SAGD Well Pad Modules

Greenberry Industrial was selected by the owner to fabricate, assemble, test, inspect, and prepare for shipment the modules for Devon’s Jackfish 2015 Well Pad Program. Jackfish is Devon steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) plant located in Alberta’s vast boreal forest. Greenberry built 23 modules ranging in size from 10’x10’x40′ to 20’x20’x85′. The truckable Instrument and […]

Modular MCC Building Fabrication & Assembly

Greenberry was contracted to supply a new MCC building for the replacement fish ladder pumps at the John Day Dam on the Columbia River. Greenberry utilized multiple fabrication facilities, and the final module was assembled at the Greenberry waterfront access facility. In addition to the module building fabrication, Greenberry also managed the installation of all […]

H2S Scrubber Module

Greenberry was hired to design and fabricate one H2S Scrubber Module for delivery to Deadhorse for installation at Alpine oil fields by others.